How to Support Your Child Through Big Changes

Making big changes in your life can be difficult, but it's even harder when you have to do it as a child. When your family moves, starts a new school, or goes through any other type of major change, it can be hard for your child to adjust.

As a parent, it's important that you support your child through these big changes and help them get through them as smoothly as possible. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to do just that!

Give Time to Prepare

One of the best things you can do to support your child through a big change is to give them time to prepare for it. If you're moving, start talking about it several months in advance so they have time to get used to the idea and make any necessary preparations.

It also allows you to get to know your youngster better. If you're relocating, take your child on a brief tour of the new home and/or new school. In advance, arrange for your child to meet the teacher. Ask the educator to speak with your kid about what it's like at his or her new school and give a basic

Listen to Your Child's Concerns

Another important thing to do is to listen to your child's concerns. If they're worried about starting a new school, sit down with them and talk about it. Explain what the new school will be like and how they can make friends there.

Accept and validate their feelings without attempting to divert or protect them from their emotions. It's an important lesson for children to understand how to deal with their feelings; shielding them accomplishes nothing.

A great response to your child's concerns could be; “Big changes can be sad and frightening. It's natural to feel this way. Let's take some deep breaths together. This is something we can handle.”

If your youngster has trouble describing their feelings, assist them in labeling the feeling (e.g., anxious, sad, nervous, worried, or scared). Putting a name to the condition makes it easier to handle and less overwhelming.

Read Books About Big Life Changes

Reading books about big life changes can also be helpful for your child. There are plenty of great children's books out there that deal with topics like moving, starting a new school, and making new friends. Reading these types of books together can help your child feel less alone and more prepared to face the change.

Try to Maintain a Similar Routine

Don't forget to try to maintain a similar routine as much as possible. If you're moving, keep mealtimes and bedtimes the same. If your child is starting a new school, make sure they still have time for their favorite activities after school.

Help Them Stay Connected

Another way to support your child during a big change is to help them stay connected to the things they love. If you're moving, this might mean helping them stay in touch with their friends from their old school or keeping up with their favorite hobbies.

Be There for Them

Finally, it's important that you be there for your child during these big changes. Be available to talk to them, help them with any challenges they're facing, and just be there for them as they adjust to their new life.

Remember that going through big changes is what helps your child build resilience. As you use our tips above to help your child navigate the unpredictable challenges that life throws at them, you'll find that they start to gain healthy coping skills and newfound ways to adapt when life doesn't go quite as planned.

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Here’s a FREE My Daily Routine checklist made by Peake Academy Preschool at Home to help your child have a consistent daily routine to help them feel in control, confident and secure as they go through the big changes.

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