Safe Halloween Tips
It's that time of year again: candy, costumes, and trick-or-treaters! We look forward to this holiday every year. Nothing makes us happier than seeing our neighborhood kids all dressed up in their costumes and ready to go door to door collecting their treats!
We want to make sure you're able to enjoy Halloween just as much as we are so, today, we want to pass along some tips for making sure everyone stays safe during their Halloween evening.
Make Sure Costume Fits Right
The number one reason why children might get injured during any holiday is because their costume doesn't fit them right. We cannot stress this enough – if the costume is too big or too small, it could cause trips and falls as well as other injuries that can be prevented by simply making sure that your child's outfit fits snugly.
Parents should also pay close attention to the quality of their children's costumes. Make sure that there are no sharp materials or objects attached to your child's outfit and make sure that they can move freely in it.
Check for Trips and Hazards at Home
It is important for parents and caretakers to check their homes beforehand, making sure all rugs and other floor coverings are securely in place. Parents should also make sure that there are no hazards – such as toys or lawn chairs – placed in areas children might trip over them.
Be Aware of Other Kids' Costumes
It's a great idea to make a list of costumes that will be worn by the children in your neighborhood. It is important to be aware of other children's costumes. Make sure that they are not dressed in anything that might cause your child harm, such as a cape or something long and flowing.
Make Sure Everyone Goes Out Together
This may seem obvious to some parents but it is important to make sure that everyone going out for Halloween goes out together. If you have older children who are going out with their friends, be sure to communicate this fact to your younger children. This will make it easier for you to know where everyone is at night's end!
Be Careful Crossing Streets or Intersections
Halloween night can be a very busy time for drivers. Children might not understand the dangers of going into the street and it is important that parents stress the importance of waiting until all cars have stopped before crossing.
Parents should also make sure children understand that they should never approach a car alone – even if they are dressed as a police officer or some other authority figure. Halloween night can be a very busy time for drivers so children need to be aware of this fact.
Team Up with a Neighbor or Two
Safety in numbers is a good motto to have when dealing with the trick-or-treaters in your neighborhood. You might consider teaming up with some other parents and having one person keep watch over all the children who are going out for candy. This could be a great help when dealing with large groups of children so that you don't have to worry about anyone getting lost in the shuffle or being left behind.
Trick or Treat at Houses You Know Well
Finally, it is important that children only go trick-or-treating at houses they know well. This might limit their candy intake but it will also ensure that your children are going out with responsible adults and neighbors.
Thank you for taking the time to read our post today. We hope that some of these suggestions will help make Halloween night a little safer for your children and those in your neighborhood. Don't forget to read more blogs at Peake Academy’s Parent Advisor and Play Boutique’s The Buzz websites for more parenting advice and tips all year round.
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The Halloween is just around the corner! Here’s a great resource you can print to have fun with the kids while at home this holiday.

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