What’s the Buzz about?

At Play Boutique, we’re all about giving families what they need to thrive. The Buzz is our way of bringing you resources, articles, craft ideas, and so much more to make the most of your time playing together. Time to get busy, little bees!

Family, Preschool Kelley Peake Family, Preschool Kelley Peake

Planning a Birthday Bash for Your Preschool Age Child

Planning your child's birthday party is always a fun experience! From what birthday party theme to the decor and guests, a preschool age child's birthday party is one of the best parties to plan during your reign of parenting a young child.

Today we're going to help you get one step ahead with the excitement and fun by sharing some tips for planning a birthday bash for your preschool age child. Continue reading to learn more about how to prepare the best birthday bash ever this year for your young child.

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Preschool, Nutrition, Development Kelley Peake Preschool, Nutrition, Development Kelley Peake

Dealing with Picky Eaters - Best Strategies

Picky eating is more than an irritating habit. It can also cause your child to lack some beneficial nutrients due to a non-diverse diet.

Picky eating can be a phase in your child's growing-up process, but some kids grow up and hold to their eating habits from early childhood.

To help your child eat balanced nutrition and break picky eating habits, try the following strategies.

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Family, Preschool Kelley Peake Family, Preschool Kelley Peake

How to Plan the Perfect Birthday Party for Your Toddler

Toddler parties are one of the more challenging aspects of parenting. You want to create a fun event that will keep them entertained, but you also need to consider their age and developmental needs.

The flow can be difficult to manage too - what should happen first? What should come next? It's hard enough for adults let alone toddlers.

Here are some tips on how to make your toddler party perfect

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