What’s the Buzz about?
At Play Boutique, we’re all about giving families what they need to thrive. The Buzz is our way of bringing you resources, articles, craft ideas, and so much more to make the most of your time playing together. Time to get busy, little bees!
Get Your Child to Sleep Through the Night
To understand how to get your child to sleep through the night, it is important to know several things about sleep. You’ll need to understand what children and adults go through during the process of attempting to sleep so that you can better adjust your life to help your child get a good night’s sleep so that you, too, can sleep well.
Stop Sibling Meanness
Siblings have a unique relationship where they will defend each other to strangers but fight uncontrollably with each other. This is often referred to as sibling rivalry. Siblings will tease each other, sometimes bully each other, and often just bicker about the most frivolous things. If you have multiple children and find that sibling meanness is getting out of hand, then continue reading for some tips to stop sibling meanness.
Healthy Easy to Make Breakfast Ideas for Kids
Making breakfast healthier doesn't have to be a chore! Today we're featuring some of the best easy to make healthy breakfast ideas for kids. Just because your kids are not starving, doesn't mean you can skip breakfast. Kids need to be well fed in order to get through the morning at school and throughout their day.
Is Almond Milk Healthy for Your Child
Almond milk is a liquid extracted from the almond fruit. It is used as an alternative to dairy or dairy products. It comes in both sweetened and unsweetened form and is consumed by millions of Americans each year. According to experts, this type of milk can be healthy for your child.
Handling Temper Tantrums
Children's tantrums are no fun to deal with! This common occurrence with children can happen at any age. You’ve probably seen a temper tantrum at home, in a local store, at preschool, or at a childcare center. The screaming child, an embarrassed and frustrated parent, unsuccessful attempts to make the tantrum stop!
How to Get Your Child to Eat More Vegetables
Some children are born with the natural love of vegetables while other children despise these healthy food options. As your children grow older they start to develop a sense of independence with their preferred likes and dislikes. This often comes in the form of having a child who refuses to eat vegetables.